by Hosting | Dec 10, 2019 | Fixture Replacement
Energy-efficient and durable, heat pump water heaters give you reliable hot water and can save you up to $300 a year on electric water heating costs. Looking for instant gratification? Your local electric utility may offer a rebate up to $500 on your next water... by Hosting | Jun 12, 2019 | Fixture Replacement
Water heating accounts for approximately 17% of your homes energy usage, more than all other appliances combined. If you think about heating 50 gallons of water in your tank around the clock it seems wasteful, right? Luckily, there is another option available –... by Hosting | Sep 13, 2018 | Fixture Replacement
The toilet is one of the most important items in your home. While the color and cost matter, how much water it uses and how well it flushes matter more. A good one conserves water and generates enough power to clean the bowl in a single flush. (A bad one can be a...